Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Crazy Arm

From Devon, UK, hard-twang, roots-punk quartet, Crazy Arm, properly set up camp in mid-2006. They very much enjoy listening to 16 Horsepower, Murder By Death, Fleet Foxes, Hüsker Dü, The Clash, Fugazi, Dick Gaughan, Austin Lucas, Ted Leo, The Replacements, Gene Vincent, Led Zeppelin, CSNY, Bruce Springsteen and Baroness, and sometimes end up sounding a bit like all of them, sometimes all at once.

Debut album, 'Born To Ruin', recorded by Pete Miles on the edge of Dartmoor, was released on Xtra Mile Recordings in June 2009. The title is a celebration of history’s conscientious trouble-makers. Not easy to categorise, and all the better for it, ‘Born To Ruin’ is an accumulation of years and years of influence and inspiration: rooted in hardcore/punk, ‘60s protest folk and classic rock’n’roll.

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