Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Joe Noel

I am a young singer/songwriter originally based in Gloucestershire and now find myself between the South West and South East writing catchy, melodic songs about dreams, drives and impulses.
Previously in the Rhetoric, I decided to try my own thing when my song writing tastes developed further and I felt like a change.
This latest collection of songs on Victoria’s Place still features the characteristic syncopated acoustic guitar alongside gentle picked arpeggios familiar to those who have seen me perform live on my own, but offers a depth in new band arrangements of previous songs that give an extra punch, drive and, most importantly, groove. The live show with or without a band is exciting, inviting and full of wit. Miriam (BBC Gloucestershire) wrote “His voice is high pitched and his style is untraceable…this is not a man who is afraid of improvisation”. For me, the most enjoyable aspect of music is the feeling that something you have written has got to someone be it a rhythm, melody or lyric.

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