Only 16 days until the third annual Walk the Line Festival begins in Cheltenham on October 7th and 8th. Tickets are selling fast and we have nearly completely sold out of day tickets online, so buy your tickets now!
*** Special offers and competitions ***
We have just launched a competition for all customers who decide to buy weekend tickets online in advance. Everyone who buys a weekend or VIP weekend ticket through eventbrite will be entered in to a draw to win a pair of tickets to the 2012 festival and a 4 pack of delicious Hobgoblin ale! Get your ticket now for a chance to win!
We are also able to reveal some amazing special offers for Walk the Line festival goers. You could make savings worth well over a tenner, which isn't bad since a weekend ticket only costs £12! Buy your tickets today and with your wristband you can get:
- £1 entry to 2 Pigs on Friday 7th October (normal price £5)
- 20% off food at The Railway during the festival
- A free drink at D-Fly at our festival after party.
*** More bands confirmed ***
We already told you about some great acts playing at Walk the Line Festival, including Tellison, Beans on Toast, Ellen and the Escapades, Midwest Dilemma and Thrill Collins. We have now also added the fantastic Crazy Arm, Miss 600, Changing Horses as well as a host of local acts including Peppermint Hunting Lodge, Pink Crudge Caravan, I The Lion, We Are The Afterglow, Dirty Tricks, Swift Manouver and Charlie Baxter.
Our acoustic venue will include great acts such as Nina Condron, Ellie Dussek, Tina Lundelius, Jim Wain, Chalk Outline, Dante, Brendan Rogers, Mr Television, John McIvor, Jake Watson, Chloe Foy, Tom Browning, Chris Evans, Alexander John, Folklaw and The Hundees.
Check out the full line-up:http://walkthelinefestival.blogspot.com/p/line-up.html
*** Well Child announced as charity partner ***
Walk the Line Festival has teamed up with Cheltenham based charity Well Child. The charity, which aims to help sick kids, will be our official charity partner and we hope to help raise money and awareness for them at the festival. The eagle eyed amongst you may have noticed that we also recently joined forces with Hobgoblin, who have become our official beer sponsor!
Find out more about our partners:http://walkthelinefestival.blogspot.com/p/sponsors.html
*** Festival after-party, FREE BOOZE! ***
We mentioned the after party in our last mail out, but we figured that there was no harm in reminding you to keep your diary free for some late night celebrations. Many of you will remember the sensational skiffle sounds of Thrill Collins at the 2010 post festival party. The trio will be taking D-Fly by storm again this year, but we've added a treat and all Walk the Line Festival-goers will get a free drink when they arrive at the festival after-party. End your festival in style with us!
*** Buy your tickets now ***
The festival will be taking place in Cheltenham on the 7th and 8th October. This is an 18+ festival.
Buy your tickets now:http://walktheline2011.eventbrite.com/
Find out more about the festival:http://www.walkthelinefestival.co.uk