Just one more sleep until Walk the Line Festival kicks off in Cheltenham and we will be treated to the delicious sounds of Tellison, Crazy Arm, Beans on Toast, Ellen and the Escapades, Miss 600, Thrill Collins and numerous other fantastic acts.
*** Tickets ***
Weekend and day tickets will be available to purchase from The Frog and Fiddle throughout the weekend. You can still buy advance tickets from Rise and Badlands record stores in Cheltenham until around 12 noon tomorrow.
There are still tickets available online too: http://walktheline2011.eventbrite.com/
Everyone who buys an advance ticket online is entered in to a draw to win a 4 pack of Hobgoblin and a pair of free tickets to Walk the Line 2012. Five lucky runners up will receive a free Hobgoblin T-shirt.
Find out more about the festival opening times and how to change your ticket for a festival wristband on the website:
*** After-party at D-Fly and offers ***
Don't forget the after-party at D-Fly on Saturday night. Due to a last minute line-up change we have just added electro-acoustic musician 4BEL to the line-up. He combines the darkness of New Wave with an unusual mix of punk, electro and ska. Also playing are quirky acoustic act Joe Noel and skiffle legends Thrill Collins, whose distinctive version of the Only Fools and Horses theme tune has gone viral on facebook today. All festival-goers get a free drink, so it would be silly not to come along and end your festival in style with us! If you would like to bring a friend to the after-party who isn't able to attend the festival they can buy a ticket for £2 online or £3 on the door: http://walktheline2011.eventbrite.com/
We have a couple of other special offers for you. With your wristband you are entitled to £1 entry to 2 Pigs on Friday 7th October (normal price £5) and 20% off food at The Railway during the festival.
*** In Store Performance ***
Miss 600 will be performing an acoustic set at 2.30pm in Rise, Cheltenham this Friday (7th October). Head down to get a taster before their headline performance on Friday evening at the Frog and Fiddle. You can find Rise in the Beechwood Shopping Centre, Cheltenham.
*** Partners ***
This year we have teamed up with Cheltenham based charity Well Child. The charity, which aims to help sick kids, are our official charity partner and we hope to help raise money and awareness for them. Please give generously. We also recently joined forces with Hobgoblin, who have become our official beer sponsor. We are very grateful to Cheltenham Art Gallery for their continued support of the festival.
*** Buy your tickets now ***
Buy your tickets now: http://walktheline2011.eventbrite.com/
Find out more about the festival: http://www.walkthelinefestival.co.uk
Walk the line is an 18+ festival.